Core Values

Don’t know what your core values are? Look at what you prioritize each day. Where does your time, money, and energy go?

What do you do when no one is watching?
Where do your thoughts automatically go?
What triggers you?
What do you pay attention to?

Still not sure...
Here’s a fun experiment.
Keep a notepad with you all day.

From the time you wake up take notes. Write down the thoughts you have, the words you speak, food you eat, money you spend, the choices you make. The actions you take.
Do your best to capture as much as you can as fast as you can.

At the end of the day observe your list. Not only will you find helpful clues to what you prioritize and value, you will discover more about yourself and your level of consciousness.

Repeat this process to go deeper within.

Live in this place of self awareness and watch alignment and positive changes really begin.