The One
My massage therapist was over the other day and we set up in my office. Halfway through the massage, she said “I can’t stop looking at your vision board.
I just want to go wherever that is.
I laughed and said that’s my future. And you will be there. :)
It’s not a specific place but rather a state a being.
It’s the vibe inside my heart.
My life right now is the manifestation of what’s been in my consciousness to date.
Those pictures represent who I am and how I feel now which means that’s likely what my future is going to look like on the outside.
Well, it feels like a fairytale, she said.
Yes, it’s my heaven on earth.”
You see some people put cars or houses or things on their vision boards, and I’ve done that before too, but once you have everything you want you realize it was never the things you wanted to begin with.
It was all about the feeling the things, the money or love brings.
I’ve learned from seasons of lack and plenty that the only thing I really want is God.
Everything else follows that connection.
My intimacy with Bobby.
My relationship with my kids.
My health.
My wealth.
My friendships, my business.
My joy.
My peace.
The love that flows through me.
It’s all a reflection of what’s happening within.
Focus on the One and everything else follows. 🤍